About Us

THE LAWRENCEVILLE KENNEL CLUB, INC. was founded in 1979. Members are composed of breeders, exhibitors and conscientious pet owners with the following goals in mind:

•To further the advancement of interest in purebred dogs

•To conduct sanctioned matches, dog shows and obedience trials under the authority of  the American Kennel Club (AKC) rules and guidelines;

•To advance the knowledge within the community in general on dog care and training as well as improving the breeds and management of purebred dogs.

Lawrenceville Kennel Club is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of purebred dogs and well-being of all canine citizens and is a member of the American Kennel Club.

In addition to the AKC licensed all-breed dog show and obedience trials held each year, the Lawrenceville Kennel Club sponsors training classes in obedience (open to all dogs), a puppy kindergarten, show conformation classes, and educational and public awareness programs. We offer the AKC Canine Good Citizen and the Star Puppy test as part of our classes.

Membership is open to individuals or to families, Prospective members must submit an application with the signatures of two members in good standing as sponsors, meet the criteria set forth by the Lawrenceville Kennel Club’s Code of Ethics, and attend a minimum of two Club meetings.

Members take great pride in supporting our community by participating in many charitable activities including: UGA Veterinary School Scholarships, Gwinnett County Jail dog program, AKC Dog/child safety classes, and AKC Canine health foundation. Lawrenceville Kennel Club members set the standard for responsible pet ownership and good citizenship within the local communities.

In addition to the educational programs following our regular meetings, training classes are held throughout the year. We offer several levels of obedience training and conformation.

Annually, the Lawrenceville Kennel Club holds an AKC licensed all-breed conformation show and obedience trial at the Gwinnett County Fairgrounds.